from 01/07/2024 au 31/12/2024
Under the liquidity contract awarded by Sword Group to ODDO BHF, as of 31/12/2024, the following resources appeared on the account of liquidity:
– Number of transactions executed during the semester at purchase: 1 ,359
– Number of transactions executed during the semester on sale: 1,435
– Volume exchanged over the semester upon purchase: 56,560 shares for an amount of €1,969,285
– Volume exchanged over the semester for sale: 57,641 shares for an amount of €2,018,690.25
As a reminder, during the last balance sheet of 30/06/2024, the following resources appeared in the liquidity account:
The implementation of the liquidity contract is carried out in accordance with AMF Decision No. 2018-01 dated July 2, 2018, establishing liquidity contracts on equity securities as accepted market practice.
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24/04/25 | 2025 First Quarter Revenue
24/07/25 | 2025 Second Quarter Revenue
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- SwordGroup_H2 2024 Report of the Liquidity Agreement_V280325