COMPANY ANNOUNCEMENT no. 12 – 4 March 2025 |
On 3 March 2025, Torben Carlsen, CEO, purchased 15,000 DFDS A/S shares.
Pursuant to Article 19 (3) of Regulation (EU) no. 596/2014 (Market Abuse Regulation), DFDS A/S is required disclose information regarding transactions in DFDS A/S’ shares by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and persons closely associated with them.
Transaction details are reported in the attached table.
Søren Brøndholt Nielsen, IR +45 33 42 33 59
About DFDS
We operate a transport network in and around Europe with an annual revenue of DKK 30bn and 14,000 full-time employees.
We move goods in trailers by ferry, road & rail, and we offer complementary transport and logistics solutions.
We also move car and foot passengers on short sea and overnight ferry routes.
DFDS was founded in 1866 and headquartered and listed in Copenhagen.
This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section 5-12 the Norwegian Securities Trading Act